Friday 16 December 2011

Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


We used Blogger in order to organise and present our course work

Blogger allowed quick and easy changes to be made and viewed by our teachers. Another benefit of blogger is that it it allows pictures and videos to be added to work easily making it easier to illustrate my points. It also gave easy opportunity for feedback from peers and teachers. 

After typing a document up in word it could sometimes prove difficult to copy and paste this into prezi while keeping its original formatting. Another difficulty is that to use Blogger you need to have an Internet connection which is not always available  

Prezi is a presentation device which allows the east integration of ideas, pictures and videos.

Prezi allowed me to show the flow of ideas as well as an easy you to complete redial analysis. This helped a lot in the evaluation because it allowed me to make an document with the pictures and videos I needed to be viewed at the point required in the presentation    

There was also no spell check in the program meaning that you had to proofread Prezis yourself. This meant that human could cause words to be spelled wrong.

Apple Macs

Apple Macs were how we completed our work as they had the programmes that we used such as Final cut and Photoshop 

The Apple Macs had professional standard software Which allowed us to produce professional standard media products. Websites such as youtube that were restrictes on other computers weren’t restricted meaning that we had easy access to websites that were a great help to use during the planning and evaluation stages of our task.

Difficulties that we encountered whilst using the Apple Macs, include the lack of a right click button making a lot of production tasks difficult, Safari's inability for to properly render HTML, the desktop that was cluttered with work from previous years throughout the project, the inefficient cooling mechanism that made the Mac extremely hot while rendering our project, the locking of certain applications by technical support and the lack of a word processor that matches the windows version. These followed through all the planning, production and evaluation tasks. 

Digital Cameras
These were high quality cameras that meant we could film professional standard footage.

Despite their professional standard quality these camera are still lightweight and easy to use which benefited our production when filming.


The cameras could only be used for a short while and moving footage to be edited took a long time

Final Cut This is professional standard software that allowed us to edit professional standard products making full sue of its range of effects and editing techniques.

Final cut was professional standard and allowed us to use all the tools that we needed in order to complete our product.

Difficulties that we encountered using Final Cut was that it made tasks more complected then they needed to be. 


We used Photoshop in order to create our Digipack and Digipack advert editing the pictures that we took or made.

Photoshop is easy to use and allowed a large range of picture editing techniques making it easier to create professional standard products

Photoshop is difficult to get the hang of but easy once you know what you are doing this meant that some time needed to be used just learning how to use the programme.

We used this video-sharing site to share our focus groups and our music video, and to analyse and research existing music videos.

Youtube was extremely helpful during the planning part of my coursework because it allowed easy access to videos to Analise. It also helped with the uploading of our final products 

Some videos on youtube did not allow embedding this meant that we would have to link the videos which was not as aesthetically pleasing also Youtube was blocked on certain computers meaning we did not always have access to it

Thursday 15 December 2011